Saturday, February 7, 2015


Since moving to Staunton two years ago, we have met so many amazing folks and have made so many wonderful connections with the community. Some of our connections include:
  • our partnership with non-profit cat rescue group Cat’s Cradle for kitty petting zoos and adoption events 
  • local health and wellness practitioners (such as Anne Buzzelli of BuzzNutrition and Brittney Johnson of Top of the Mountain Healing) who use our community room for healthy living classes 
  • partnerships with other local retailers, such as our World Fair Trade celebration with Cranberry’s and The Sacred Circle 
  • the many talented local musicians whom we sponsored during last year's Fourth Friday Night Vibe 
  • and many, many others not mentioned here but just as important. 

We’re thrilled, too, that we've maintained so many connections to our friends and patrons who supported us in our former location in Alexandria, VA, and continue to support us, making that lovely scenic trek from DC to Staunton and being pleasantly surprised at all that Staunton has to offer. 

For those of you who have been long-time supporters of Harmony Moon, you know building community is part of our vital work. Community is important in so many ways, connecting people from diverse backgrounds who might not otherwise have met and pooling resources and talents to create a shared vision for the future. 

Our community is one in which people care how their goods and products are made, expecting that anyone who does a fair day’s work should see a fair wage for that work. We care about the earth and want to walk gently on it. And we care about challenging ourselves to be the best that we can be – whether that’s eating healthier, exercising or meditating more, or simply sharing our life experiences with others. 

To join and help us grow our community, please connect with us on Meetup: Harmonious Living Center 

and on Facebook: Harmony Moon 

And please share this newsletter with your friends and others whom you think might want to be part of our community too. 

According to Malcolm Gladwell, tipping points for change can happen in the most unlikeliest of places. Who knows? That could be us and our community of harmonious lifestylers! 

“In the end, Tipping Points are a reaffirmation of the potential for change and the power of intelligent action. Look at the world around you. It may seem like an immovable, implacable place. It is not. With the slightest push—in just the right place—it can be tipped.”
― Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference