Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Only Species with the Capacity to Destroy the Earth

"We need to consider how our actions, in affecting the environment, are likely to affect others. This is often difficult to judge; but it is clear that we are the only species with the power to destroy the earth. Birds and insects have no such power, nor does any other mammal. Yet if we have the capacity to destroy the earth, we also have the capacity to protect it. I believe we have an urgent responsibility to do so." - H.H., the XIVth Dalai Lama

Celebrate the earth this Earth Day, and reduce, re-use, and recycle!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Can't We All Just Get Along?

American culture is deeply rooted in the lore of individualism and competitiveness. We learn at a young age that achieving our own individual goals is more important than compromising for the greater good of the family or community. Yet study after study has indicated that cooperation, not competition, actually works better for achieving group goals as well as for achieving one's own individual goals.

Children gain many benefits when their parents and teachers encourage cooperation. Some of these benefits are:

  • increased self-esteem
  • a sense of belonging
  • respect for and trust in others
  • emotional maturity
  • creativity and flexibility in thinking

And studies have shown that when children learn cooperation at home and at school, they are much more likely to take this behavior into their work world and into relationships. People with cooperative natures are generally healthier, happier, have a higher sense of self-worth, and experience less stress than those who are more competitive.

So for your own good, can't we all just get along?


For more information on cooperative learning, visit The Cooperative Learning Center at the University Minnestota.

Cooperative board games are available through our sponsor, Mindful Hands, in their children's section.