"How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it!" -George Elliston; news reporter, poet
A simple act of kindness can:
- bring two people together in spontaneous goodwill
- create a smile that can go 'round the world
- increase someone else's happiness as well as your own
- ignite a small flame of positive thinking
Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week from Feb. 14 - 20! We'll be celebrating all week at Mindful Hands and will host a Kindness Fair on Saturday, Feb. 20. You can also follow us on Follow us on twitter (twitter.com/mindfulhands) as we post suggestions for random acts of kindness, inspirational messages, and updates on acts of kindness happening around the world.
If you're really feeling brave, you can take the Extreme Kindness Challenge from the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. Commit to doing at least one act of kindness for each day of Random Acts of Kindness Week and share your experience via Facebook, Twitter or the Random Acts of Kindness website.
To get you started, here's a few simple acts of kindness:
- smile at everyone you see
- say "thank you" to someone who did something nice for you
- compliment a stranger
- pick up trash in your neighborhood
- hold the door open for someone
Participate in random acts of kindness! We may not be able to change the whole world, but we can certainly change our little corner of it.